Effects of Early Skin Exposure to the Sun - Health And Medical Information

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Tuesday, January 23

Effects of Early Skin Exposure to the Sun

There is a direct link between sun exposure and most skin cancers. The ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight penetrate skin, damaging it. For years, doctors have warned that sun exposure can cause skin cancer. But research now shows that getting sunburned at a young age puts you at even greater risk for skin cancer.

Even one blistering sunburn during childhood or adolescence can nearly double your chances of developing melanoma, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). In one study, researchers reported that getting five or more blistering sunburns before age 20 increases your risk for melanoma by 80 per cent. Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer.

The same study also found that five or more blistering sunburns increase your risk by 68 per cent for other types of skin cancer, too. These include basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The study tracked 109,000 Caucasian women over a 20-year period.

Your chances of developing skin cancers depend on other factors, too, including physical traits. For example, if you have red hair and fair skin, your skin cancer risk increases. This is also true if you are more susceptible to sunburns in general, or have a higher number of moles, according to the study.

Path to improved health

Parents must be committed to protecting children from sun exposure. They also much teach their adolescent children to continue smart sun protection. Daily sun protection is key, not just while kids are at the pool or beach.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers these tips for protecting your child from the sun:

Made in the shade. Try to avoid being outside in the middle of the day, when the sun's UV rays are their strongest. This is when sun does the most damage. If your child has to be outside during this time, try to keep them in the shade of a tree or umbrella.

Cover up. Long-sleeved shirts and long pants provide good protection from the sun. The tighter weave of the fabric, the better. Darker clothes may offer better sun protection. You also may consider looking for clothing that offers a UV protection factor.

Grab a hat. A hat can offer some great sun protection. Choose one with a wide, circular brim. This not only will protect your child's face, but will protect his or her neck and ears, too. If you choose a baseball-styled cap, be sure to remember to use sunscreen on your child's ears and neck.

Wear sunglasses. The sun doesn't just threaten your skin, it threatens your eyes, as well. UV rays can cause cataracts later in life. Look for children's sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays.

Remember the sunscreen. If your child is going to be outside, always use sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen that is at least 15 SPF. Maximize protection by applying sunscreen at least 30 minutes before your child is going to be outside.

Things to consider

There is no such thing as a healthy tan. Tanned skin is damaged skin. Even if you don't get a sunburn, you are still doing damage to your skin and increasing your risk of skin cancer.
Tanning beds are not safer than being out in the sun. People who use tanning beds are at great risk for developing skin cancer. In fact, some reports estimate that the risk increases by 75% for people who use a tanning bed before the age of 35.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more people develop skin cancer because of tanning than develop lung cancer because of smoking.

When to see a doctor

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. The earlier you spot it, the easier it is to cure. Warning signs include:
  • A mole or any brown spot that changes over time - changes in colour, texture, or size.
  • Moles or spots that appear after adolescence.
  • Skin growths that are coloured (black or brown) or that are translucent and increase in size.
  • Any skin growth or mole that itches, crusts, or bleeds.
  • Any skin growth or mole that hurts.

Questions for your doctor

  • Is sunlight a good source of vitamin D?
  • Is there a way to predict if I will develop skin cancer?
  • Can I reverse the damage caused by UV exposure?
  • Can genetics make me less at risk for skin cancer?
  • Does a family history of skin cancer put me more at risk?
  • How often should I do a self-check for skin cancer?
  • What should I do if I suspect a spot on my skin could be cancerous?
  • What is the treatment process for skin cancer?

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